News@St-Chris Vol 3.01/Sep 2014

Oct 022014
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Introducing …

SPARTA - Coaches-2

Now in its second full year of operation, SPARTA continues to go from strength to strength. Due to the high demand for activities and the expansion of the programme, the existing SPARTA team have been joined by two new coaches for the start of this school year.

Laura Whitehall, left of picture, is a qualified PE teacher who has a passion for swimming and comes to Bahrain from Birmingham, England. Kyle Lemmon, second from left, is originally from Manchester, England and is a fully qualified swimming coach as well as having coaching qualifications in football and tennis.

Laura and Kyle join SPARTA Director Gareth Holloway, coaches Adam Bussens, Simon Bourner and Javor Zahariev who have established themselves as high quality coaches with an ever growing reputation.

The coaches are looking to take advantage of the new Tiger Turf and the shaded football pitch which will enhance the football provision and mean our footballers are enjoying some of the best facilities in Bahrain.

 “Its exciting times,” reported Gareth Holloway, SPARTA Director. “We have recruited excellent coaches and we are now providing first class coaching to over 600 SPARTA members.”

SPARTA activities are open to all members of the Bahrain community, with coaching offered to all age groups. The demand for activities has been huge and there are only limited places on some activities for this term.

Please visit for details of how to sign up for an activity or visit the SPARTA Office located at St Christopher’s School in Saar.