News@St-Chris Vol 3.01/Sep 2014

Oct 022014
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More on Medicine

Thirty students from Year 10 to 13 took part in our first ever ‘Medics Mini Conference’ on Saturday 6 September. Ex-St Chris student Dr Pooja Heda led our first seminar, describing some of her experiences as a Doctor in Bahrain and giving the students some advice about how to decide which branch of Medicine to pursue.

Mini Medics

We were also fortunate to be joined by more recent alumni Bhavna Ramachandran, who is studying Medicine at Cambridge University, along with Ellie Wilson and Sasha Bhatty, who will shortly be off to university for the first time. Bhavna, Ellie and Sasha gave tips on the admissions tests and how to develop an interesting university personal statement. The conference was rounded off by some lively debates, led by Mr Adrian Walker, about ethical issues that face medical professionals.