News@St-Chris Vol 3.01/Sep 2014

Oct 022014
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Springing into Summer Action


The Summer Camp saw over 60 children, aged 5-12 years old enjoy a fun-packed week of sport.  This was the first opportunity for many pupils to meet up with friends after the long summer break and we also welcomed pupils who are brand new to Bahrain and St Chris who quickly made friends as the week progressed.

Our new coach, Laura, enjoyed her first experience of working with the enthusiastic St Chris pupils whose energy levels never dropped once in the whole week. Swimming, dodge ball, tennis and many other sports were played during the week and all agreed the Camp was a great start to another exciting year at SPARTA.


Our Multi-Sport and Activity programme offers something for everyone and includes; Football, Tennis, Swimming, Athletics, Gymnastics, Basketball, Cricket and more. Look out for the next camp in the Mid-term break October 5- 7.