News@St-Chris Vol 3.01/Sep 2014

Oct 022014
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Creating Hope

Hannah Bricklebank, Year 13, reports “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding”.  Peace Day (21 September) is a day founded by Jeremy Gilley to promote global unity and is celebrated annually in St Christopher’s in order to promote non-violence and raise awareness. We aim to one day create a strong intercultural collaboration that humanity has never known; the Peace Day team consisted of IB students who initiated all activities and helped to encourage the participation of all students in promoting the importance of peace.

The team gave assemblies to all Year groups to inform them about the importance of Jeremy Gilley’s cause and to encourage the participation of all students in the upcoming events. During this week, students were welcomed at break times to decorate a dove mural by placing their fingerprints on the image; the dove mural is now a permanent reminder to maintain peace and unity on a global basis. We held a Peace Day Poetry and T-shirt design competition open to all students. Congratulations to David Moroes (Year 7) who won the poetry competition and to all those who participated in these events.

Peace Day Poem

Peace Dove

Peace Dove

When wars and conflicts totally cease
In our world, there shall be peace
People must learn to get along
Not blame others for being wrong

Peace is something we all seek
When we lack it, we become weak
Since it’s rooted deep inside
With it, we’re closely tied

Wars make children so much tougher
Lose their innocence while they suffer
Peace can make the world free
Open our eyes and help us see

You can help by doing your part
We know you can, cause you’re smart
Let’s speak up, tell a friend
All these wars, need to end

By David Moraes Year 7

Peace Day2

Peace Day T-shirts were sold and Sixth Formers wore these shirts to create an aerial photograph of a dove in order to promote peace and to raise awareness further.  On the 21 September, during Enrichment, all Year groups participated in activities including: painting peace rocks, decorating peace balloons and writing thoughts about peace on a dove template, all of which were displayed around the school. In addition, a student vs. teacher football match took place at break to celebrate team spirit.

Peace Day1

The collaboration and efforts of all amplified the importance of peace and it shows that, working together, we can all be a part of Peace One Day. Even though we have simply raised awareness on a local scale, the importance of Peace One Day has been enhanced and the more awareness we create means that we are one step closer to global peace and unity. The team have thoroughly enjoyed planning Peace Day and thank you to everyone who took part in the activities.


The organising team comprised: Joel Thomas, Isabella Upward, Renee Morales Garcia, Hannah Bricklebank and Jannel Anderson. Thanks also to Deema Hashim, Zainab Alaali, Adam Hajszan, Shaikha Al Musawi and Alienor Mariot.