
Jun 252015
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Year 2 Make a Splash!

On the 28 May, the children of Year 2 dived onto stage to present their production – Dougal’s Deep Sea Diary.

After studying the damage that man is having on the planet’s oceans and seas in the first term, the children decided that they wanted the theme of this year’s production to have an eco-friendly message.

In the show, Dougal dives down deep into the ocean and comes across a magnificent group of sea creatures. Each of them in turn tell him how they have been affected by human intervention and implore him to do something about it.

Y2 Prod

Every scene was bursting with fantastic colourful and exuberant choreography. The children looked amazing in sparkling costumes, spoke with confidence and sang beautifully. Face paints were shimmering or in the case of the sharks, incredibly frightening.

As usual, several of our quietest children astounded us with their fabulous acting and excellent voice projection. Everyone left with a great sense of achievement and the excited buzz that follows from treading the boards…