
Mar 252015
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A Perspective on Life

Snapchat--8425234986682851033Emerging into Salmaniya Hospital, carrying a large plastic bag full of toothbrushes and toothpastes, donated by Ahmed Al Sadeq’s (11B)  family and given to me by Ms McKay to hand out to the children there, I have to say, at first, I was very nervous and unsure as where to go and what to do. I was unsure of what I was about to face and if I was able to handle it. To witness the suffering of innocent children has always been my biggest weakness, but as I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself for what was to come…I was ready. On talking to the children individually, they were all naturally shy at first but as I continued the conversation and initiated some laughter they quickly warmed to me, sharing their reasons as to why they were admitted to the hospital and all their favourite things in the world.  In the midst of speaking to a child, I looked over to my right and saw a young boy completely paralysed from head to toe, unable to speak and unable to move his eyes. At that moment, I was torn apart as to why something like this happens to a small boy who had his whole life ahead of him. A boy who could have gone to school, made friends and have his parents watch him grow up in to the best man he could be. Whilst the other children were playing with their food, they each picked out a toothbrush; such a simple item brought a huge smile to their little faces. The children were delighted by the gifts, which was humbling experience for me which has made me view things in a whole other perspective. ~ Narjes Kazerooni 6AGO