
Jun 252015
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Taking the Plunge

On Monday 8 June, a very excited Year 6 plunged into the Lost Paradise of Dilmun waterpark for a day of celebration as an end-of-year treat. Chutes, slides, waves and endless steps were all conquered on one of the highlights of the year.

Even the teachers couldn’t be kept from the fun with Mrs Kazi, in particular, getting into the spirit of the day by setting the record for ‘Most Goes on the Family Ride’. It was wonderful seeing the children having so much fun after all of their hard work and it made us all realise what great friends they have become over their time in our school.


“The best day ever”, “Brilliant!” and “Can we go every Monday?” were just some of the comments from the children and Mr Sissons on the journey home.

Thanks Year 6 for being so brilliantly behaved and being so amazing!