
May 282015
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Year 6 Keep on Running

On Thursday 30 April, every child in Year 6 ran one lap of the track in an attempt to run a collective marathon in aid of Ayadi Relief. Ayadi Relief help repair homes belonging to some of the poorest families here in Bahrain and Year 6 wanted to help.

As Bella Rushton explained, “We wanted to do a sponsored run but with a difference!” So, with some dressing up in tutus, onesies and even traditional Arabic dress, the Year 6 children all ran their 300m lap. Well, in some cases it wasn’t a run as they found ingenious ways to complete the course…rolling, crawling, jumping…


By the end of the day, 142 laps had been completed – a total run of 42.6km (that is a little bit more than a whole marathon). A great time was had by all and, more importantly, over 1000BD was raised to help some of the poorest families in Bahrain. Well done, Year 6!