
Apr 302015
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Swimmers on Top Form

On Tuesday 21 April, Year 4 participated in their fun inter-House swimming gala. Children were allocated races and competed for points for their house. The children battled it out in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly in races of 25m. The climax of the afternoon were the relays comprising of freestyle, noodle, frog board and medley.


For the first time two houses came out victorious, well done to Falcon and Merlin, in 3rd came Kestrel and 4th place went to Osprey.

Winners Y4

On Wednesday 22, Year 3 followed suit and took to the pool for their fun inter-House swimming gala. This time the children had the opportunity to compete in races across the pool. This enabled every child to be involved without tackling the deeper water.

Y3 Grp

1st place went to Osprey, 2nd place to Merlin, 3rd place Kestrel and well done to Falcon in 4th place.
