
Jun 252015
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Ramadan … a Time for Giving

It is always inspiring when our pupils carry out community service beyond the classroom and school environment, but what was truly heartwarming was seeing our parents take the initiative to start their own community service campaign.

On the 31 May, two of our parents, Aniseh Vadiee and Nancy Assi took it upon themselves to organise a charity breakfast to raise money for our security guards to help carry them through the Holy month of Ramadan. The event was a huge success with over 100 tickets sold and over 3,000BD raised.

Charity Breakfast

Aniseh and Nancy organised the event at the Ramee Grand Hotel and collected over 100 raffle prizes from companies around the island. They are a true example of how we hope community service will be embedded into our pupils’ hearts.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work and incredible positive attitude towards the initiative. Aniseh and Nancy also covered the costs for the hotel which meant that all ticket sales and donations could go directly to the security guards. Last week, the money was divided between the security guards and they were overjoyed with the incredible donations.

“As parents we believe that what we did was to show our security guards who care for their hard work and the safety of our kids at school. Thank you for being an important part of this event and special thanks to all our sponsors, contributors, and volunteers for being so generous and helpful.”

Thank you again to everybody who was involved, you truly made a difference in the lives of our security team.
