
Mar 252015
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Celebrating Nationalities of the World 

St Christopher’s Global Citizens’ Day 2015 was a special event designed to celebrate our many nationalities at St Chris. The Infant and Junior Schools focussed on increasing the children’s knowledge, awareness and understanding of Cambodia (its resilient people, rich history and interesting customs) and Global Citizenship. Activities also highlighted how local participation in fund raising events here in Bahrain have made a lasting difference to the lives of children living in the small village of Ka Narng Ket.

The exciting and colourful National Costume Parade began the programme of events. Smiling children strolled along a planned route around the grounds of the Saar site. Parents admired and took photographs of the beautiful clothes worn by the children.

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In the Infant School the children collected bottle tops of various sizes, shapes and colours to recycle and created an amazing collage of a colourful landscape. They spent the day carrying out the collage in small groups.


Other activities including learning about endangered animals, disappearing habitats, recycling materials and saving water.

The Junior School children took different approaches to their Cambodia investigations.

Year 3 pupils examined atlases to discover the position of Cambodia in relation to Bahrain. Next, they completed their own outline maps of Asia, South East Asia and Cambodia by marking on the important features that they had found. These amazing charts and ten interesting facts about the country were combined to create eye-catching posters.

Year 4 created informative, fact-filled non chronological reports about Cambodia having previously carried out research as a homework assignment. They arranged their data under a number of previously chosen headings and presented their work to their classmates in the afternoon session.

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Year 5 tried to encourage Cambodian holidaymaking by creating tourism brochures. The children researched such delights as Cambodian foods, its historic temples and those tasty and unusual foods. Some even added usual phrases in Khmer for those lucky travelers to use whilst strolling the parks and bustling streets of Phnom Penh.

Year 6 began by examining the Cambodia page of the Oddizzi, an e-learning resource and community that immerses children in the world of the global citizen. They had been tasked with studying the layout of the page in order to help them design and create an Oddizzi website page for Bahrain. The students had already carried out some research as a homework task. Others chose to extend their fact finding on the day using their own smart devices such as iPads and phones.

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Fine examples of the excellent work produced by all year groups will be selected and will later be displayed in school to highlight the considerable learning achievements of the children who took part in these thought-provoking studies.

At the Senior School, students greatly enjoyed the opportunity to wear National Dress to celebrate the rich diversity of the St Christopher’s community.

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We would like to say congratulations and thank you to the enthusiastic children, staff and parents for helping to create such a valuable and enjoyable learning experience.