News@St-Chris Vol 4.01/Sep 2015

Sep 302015
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Giving it their Best


The first trails for the year were for basketball and we had over 80 boys and girls trying out for a place on the shortlist of 24 names for the BSME Games selection. It was fast paced and the children had a chance to show off their lay-up skills on the new basketball posts. After much deliberation from myself and Mr. Armstrong the trialists were placed into 2 groups: the basketball squad that will train on a Thursday with Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Holness and the development squad that will train on a Monday with Mr. Dales and Mr. Teague. Remember the door is never closed to make the jump from the development to the squad, so don’t give up!



As ever this sport seems to be the most popular at school and as such we have much bigger squads in both development and team. Over 30 girls signed up for the football team and all of the girls have gone straight into the team, where they will be competing both home and abroad this year.

Once again over 100 Year 5 & 6 boys tried out for the football team trying to get a spot in the team that would see them compete in 4 international competitions and local leagues/competitions. Over a hot and humid couple of sessions the boys gave Mr. Holness, Mr. Dales and Mr. Dawson a lot to think about the selection. As with any of our teams the boys will go into either the team or development squad. Again, just because you start in the development squad does not mean that you are not able to be promoted to the team.

Congratulations to Ali Al Nusuf and James Pilgrim who we have made our team captain and vice-captain respectively.

Well done to every single student that took the time to try out for the team. This is a start of a great deal of hard work over the next 9 months.