News@St-Chris Vol 4.01/Sep 2015

Sep 302015
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Articulating Arabic

The Arabic Department organised the Arabic Curriculum Information Afternoon in the Senior School at Isa Town on 7 September. The aim of the meeting was to give parents and students of Year 7 information about the Arabic and Islam syllabus for a smooth transition from Year 6 to Year 7. The meeting was well attended by a large number of parents and students. Mr Fuad, the Head of Arabic in the Senior School and the Arabic teaching staff, Mrs Rehab Mahfouz, Mrs May Radwan and Mrs. Amal Al Omari were present. Mr Fuad welcomed the parents and explained to them in detail about the next phase of their children’s education requirements in the Senior School. He focused on several points, the most important of which is a smooth transition from primary education to secondary school and the existence of a gap in the curriculum which should be covered with the help of parents and the school.

Y7 Arabic Curriculum

Mr. Fuad also focused on homework set to students. He mentioned that one of the main factors in the Senior School is that students should depend on themselves in terms of organisation under the auspices of their Arabic and Islam teachers. Mr Fuad concentrated on the teaching of Citizenship and Citizenship examinations which are now under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education and its centralised examinations throughout the year. A detailed explanation of Islamic education in Arabic and English was given to parents and clarification that homework is normally set once a week. He urged parents to support their children in Arabic language and supervise their linguistic achievements, as it is a School policy to plan and communicate with parents. The meeting ended by listening to parents’ questions and queries. Mr Fuad thanked the parents and wished the students a successful year.