News@St-Chris Vol 4.01/Sep 2015

Sep 302015
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Super Sharks

During the first few weeks of term we completed a number of swim trials to gain entry into our St Christopher’s School Swim Squad. Depending on the age of the students, they were expected to complete a long distance swim, stroke technique and timed races over a 50m distance. Congratulations to the following swimmers who have been successful and gained a place on our swim team, “The Sharks”.

Swim Trials

Senior B+ Senior B
Charlotte Nicolas Isobel Leap
Colby Altman Alvaro Bermudez Canete
Bradley Altman Vansh Patel
Charlotte Pilgrim
Emeline Crepin
Tamar Khaled
Noah Moore
Sulaf Al Jabal
Developing Dolphins Baby Sharks 
Sofiya Cogswell 3A Nooralain Akhtar 3F
Esther Duell 3E Erin Jardine 3E
Sean O Rourke 3A Will Fisher 3C
Anishka Arolkar 3F Klara Mareschovc 3A
Darcey Peters 5D Amara Nagy 3F
Fatima Abbady 6A Amelia Davis 3D
Hannah Khan 5E Jessica McCarthy 3C
Alexa Burrell 5E Jenna Malhas 3E
Laura McCarthy 5D Lara Najeeb 3A
Nicolas Santiago 4B
Kiera Thomas 4C
Robert Leap 4D
Isabel Looby 4E
Isabelle North 4F
Junior B  Junior B+
Elizabeth Warrender 6B Kieran Jones 5B
Fern Plunkett 5B Lucie Winwood 4A
Charlotte Watts 5A Ella Watson 4E
Faye O Rouke 5D Tabitha Moore 4A
Meyssa Touhami 4B
Katie McGinley Naylor 4C
Matthew Barnes 4B
Caitlin Peters 4C
Junior A
Lucas Watson 6A
Amelie Winwood6A
Lottie Gosling 5B
Evan Collins 4A
Avery Collins 4E