News@St-Chris Vol 4.01/Sep 2015

Sep 302015
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How Quickly They Grow!

It was the day that 128 three year olds across Bahrain had been spending their whole summer waiting for. It was their first day of BIG school!

First Day1
Looking smart with their freshly ironed uniforms and shiny new shoes, the children entered the Nursery with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Some children were already familiar to the surroundings and ran off instantly to play with the equipment and their nursery comrades. Once introductions had been made, and tissues had been handed out to weeping parents, the children began their first day at St Christopher’s Infant School.

The children settled quickly, especially once they had begun to explore the various activities around the classroom and in the Pod.

First Day2

Much fun was had. The children dressed up as builders and princesses, played puzzles and explored the discovery tables to name but a few things. Before they had realised, it was time to go home! It’s true what they say, time flies when you are having fun!