News@St-Chris Vol 4.01/Sep 2015

Sep 302015
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Top Training for our Teachers

As part of St Christopher’s ongoing commitment to enhance the continuing professional development of its teaching staff, the School arranged two dynamic training days at the start of the new academic year.

At the beginning of the annual staff induction week, James Nottingham, described as “one of the best professional speakers in the world of education” arrived to deliver professional development sessions for all staff.  James inspired his audience with an interactive and engaging day based on the theory and practice of feedback, attitudes, challenge, thinking and self-efficacy. He demonstrated how to enhance learning through the use of his Teaching Target Model which helps to engage, challenge and support learners. His concept of the Learning Pit helps build inquiry-led learning and resilience.

Staff Training

At the end of the busy week, a day was given over to – an EdTechTeam – James Sanders, Director of Innovation and Mark Hammons, an Apple Distinguished Educator. They presented on the role of technology in future learning, acknowledging that the future cannot be met with the teaching methods of the past, and that if schools don’t adapt their approach to learning and embrace digital tools in the classroom, they will be providing an education that is no longer relevant for the world in which we live. EdTechTeam are supporters of the Future Ready Schools initiative and in a nutshell, their message is that being ‘future ready’ is a mindset schools need which goes way beyond just increasing the use of computers and iPads into the classroom. This was another hugely successful day, and staff left feeling excited and enthused and looking forward to the new academic year.

Quotes about James Nottingham

“Inspiring, though-provoking, challenging and encouraging all at once!”

“Effort, progress and determination are how our students can and should be assessed; James Nottingham made the case for this both elegantly and effectively.”

Quotes about EdTech Team Training

“I have attended many training days during my career but without a doubt this was the best. Hands down!”

“A very worthwhile day. It’s going to change my approach forever”

“Thanks for the day. I really enjoyed it and it provided me with some great ideas. I thought the speakers/input was excellent.”

“it was practical, interactive and actually useful for the classroom”

“It was a really enjoyable day and it’s great that we had the opportunity to work with such experienced professionals first hand. Their laid back and personable approach made such an impact in the delivery.”