News@St-Chris Vol 4.01/Sep 2015

Sep 302015
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On and off the Beaten Track

From the hustle and bustle of Addis Ababa to the lush agricultural lands of Bishoftu and to the arid plains of the National Park to the east, Ethiopia really is a country of stark contrasts. Twenty five intrepid explorers, led by Jade Scott and three other members of staff, travelled to Bishoftu to try to make a difference to the lives of the young people of that region. Armed with the significant rewards of their fundraising appeals, they were challenged to help improve two local schools. For a week, they scrubbed, cleaned, painted, created stunning classrooms and nurtured new gardens to turn the most basic of facilities into something that would bring a smile to the children that were to use them.


Ethiopia is truly an amazing place. I think those who travelled will never forget it. Only by taking part in such community service initiatives can we really appreciate how fortunate we are compared to the lives lived by so many. With so few material pleasures, our students saw first-hand how people can live happy and productive lives with so little. Although the work completed was invaluable, it is without doubt the bonds that emerged from the play and fun that was had as we went about our daily work that will live long in all our memories.

A trip never to be forgotten.