News@St-Chris Vol 4.01/Sep 2015

Sep 302015
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Enjoying the French Way!


Being awarded the French Scholarship and going to Nice was an experience I will never forget. I had the opportunity to travel by myself to spend two weeks being immersed in the French language with similar aged students from all over the world. I have heard in the past that the best way to develop your skills in a language is to spend time in the country itself and speak the language on a daily basis and I now believe this to be true. Within the Azurlingua campus, I spoke only French because it was often the only language that I had in common with other students.  A typical day consisted of five hours French tuition, finishing at 2pm when free time was given to explore the local community. Not only did my French vocabulary improve, but my confidence in speaking the language greatly increased and I even found myself starting to think in French.


We made excursions three times a week to different parts of the French Riviera such as Grasse, Eze, Ville-franche, Antibes, Cannes, Monaco and St Tropez. Each and every place had a beauty of its own. Nice itself is also breathtaking with its sea views and markets. It is full of history and culture with a modern part of the city and an old part called ‘Vieux Nice’ which offers quaint shops and buildings. There is a multitude of museums, art galleries and restaurants to enjoy. Being in France not only improved my French, but because I was living away from my family, meeting new people and experiencing the French culture, it gave me the opportunity to grow in independence. I would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Wilson, Mr Bazzouz, Mrs Rowark, Mr Williams and the French Embassy in Bahrain for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute! ~ Elizabeth Caley