News@St-Chris Vol 4.01/Sep 2015

Sep 302015
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The BIG Collaboration!

Thirty six Senior School students took part in the biggest ever World Scholar’s Cup competition, held in Kuala Lumpur from June 22 to 27. The students competed in teams of three against 3000 other students from 40 different nations. The competition involved debating and answering a variety of questions on the theme of ‘A World Unbound.’ Our students worked well together; some of our teams winning all of their debates, on motions about leadership, technology and freedom. Our students also took the lead in some of the public debates, contributing their own thoughts and questions.

World Scholars Cup

The competition itself was great fun, but the students also enjoyed visiting Kuala Lumpur and the Scholar’s Ball. Highlights included Dorna Fatin taking to the stage to give a 5 minute stand-up comedy routine and Joseph Anhorn breakdancing on stage! Many of our students came away with medals for their efforts in the 4 competition elements, but the ‘Top Alpaca’ award goes to Ahsab Chowdhury who was 2nd in the Collaborative Writing, a great achievement considering he was up against more than 1500 scholars from around the World. All of the students returned to Bahrain with a new stuffed alpaca friend called ‘Jerry’!