News@St-Chris Vol 4.03/Nov2015

Nov 182015
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Thanking those that Work so Hard for Us!

On Saturday 7 November, the cleaning staff and two Caretakers from both Isa Town and Saar enjoyed a day out where they visited a number of different locations in Bahrain. The cleaning staff and Caretakers work incredibly hard for the school and put in long hours, six days a week. Towards the end of the last school year, Year 7 worked hard to raise money for the event through a series of bake sales. Mrs Bourner, Miss Bataineh, Mrs Pollard and Mrs Friar worked together to create and lead the plan for the day. The cleaners and caretakers began their day off with a trip to Zallaq Beach where they enjoyed ice-creams and a dip in the sea. They particularly enjoyed taking it in turns on the beach swings and competing against each other to see how high each other could go. After the beach, they headed to the Bahrain International Circuit. Mr Mohammed Hashim, a member of the Media and Public Relations team at the BIC, met them and, very kindly, gave them a tour. He took them up to the top of the landmark Sakhir Tower to the very top floor that is usually reserved for the VVIPs.


Lots of photos were taken, and Mrs Bourner and Mrs Pollard were particularly impressed by the poses and number of selfies! Mr Hashim then showed the staff the Race Control room and the Media Centre, where he continued to explain lots of interesting facts about Formula 1 in Bahrain. Mr Vishnu, based at the Saar site, had a great deal of questions and was in shock when he found out that the F1 drivers lose up to 4kgs during a race. At midday, the cleaners and caretakers were taken to La Sani restaurant in Hamala for lunch. The restaurant laid out a buffet for the staff and had prepared a series of Indian dishes that the cleaning team had requested beforehand.


Mr Rajkumar, a member of the Isa Town cleaning team, continued to take lots of photos and became known as ‘Cameraman’! After lunch, the staff visited the Saudi Causeway and then headed to the Bahrain Fort where they enjoyed spectacular views and surroundings. Throughout the day, the cleaners and caretakers were smiling and laughing, and were continuously expressing their gratitude. They have already suggested ideas about where they would like to go during next year’s Cleaners’ Day Out.

A very successful day out all round!