News@St-Chris Vol 4.03/Nov2015

Nov 182015
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Educating without Borders


On Monday 16 November, 18 colleagues from the USA spent the morning in the Senior School. The teachers are visiting schools in Bahrain, Qatar and Abu Dhabi as part of the TEACH (Teachers Educating Across Cultures in Harmony) programme. Following a convivial breakfast, the teachers attended the Year 11 Assembly led by Head of Year, Jamie O’Dowd and then engaged in discussion with Senior Staff including Nick Wilson, Steve Keeble, Fuad Al Anzarouti, Jamel Bazzouz, Helen Boyle, Julia Harper and Felicity Percival about the history of St Christopher’s School and issues relating to the academic and pastoral curriculum. The teachers then visited a range of lessons including Art, Computing, Drama, English, History, Mathematics and Physics. The teachers also had the opportunity to chat with their Sixth Student Guides about their academic studies and university/career aspirations. It was clear that the visiting colleagues were highly appreciative of the opportunity to spend a few hours with us and many of the comments were highly complimentary.