News@St-Chris Vol 4.03/Nov2015

Nov 182015
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Healthy Living

Health&Fitness2 016

“I wish we could do this everyday!” and “This is so much fun!” Were just some of the comments being heard this week as St Chris launched into the new half term with full vigour and gusto!

Each morning the PE department, with the help of the House Captains, Mrs Mulleague, Mr Coast, Mrs Holness and Mrs Etches got everyone motivated for the day with an energetic aerobic session out on the Tiger Turf. It was fantastic to see so many parents joining in and busting some moves alongside teachers and pupils. Each break time saw the Junior children challenging their teachers to the bleep test, while the Infant children attempted to do more jumping jacks and burpees in a minute than their teachers.

H&F 2016

A big thank you to Mr Wilkins and Mrs Dales who whipped up some tasty healthy smoothies to enjoy at break time, with children taking copies of recipes to try out at home. The week ended with a fun-filled assembly where Ayaan Khan, Emily Davies and James Pilgrim showed us a video round up of the week and taught us all a little more about our skeleton and its importance.

H&F 2 2016

An exciting challenge saw teachers from Year 1, 2, 4 and 5 go head to head to build a life-size skeleton as quickly as possible! Well done to Year 2’s Mrs Syson and Mrs Watts who triumphed over Year 1’s Mrs Plunket and Mrs Leahy, Year 4’s Mr Gosling and Mrs McGuiness and Year 5’s Mr Brandreth and Mrs Bloodworth in transforming a bag of bones into a human skeleton! It’s been a fantastic week! Well done everyone! Keep up the healthy living!