News@St-Chris Vol 4.03/Nov2015

Nov 182015
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Thinking about those in Need

In October, the children in Year 2 collected pre-loved toys and clothes, as well as new items, for children in Moldova.

On the 16 October, we were visited by Luminita Crivet Macary, the co-ordinator of the project, who was overwhelmed by the response. The final total was in excess of 120 boxes.


She told the children, “Initially, I thought we would get 20 – 30 boxes. I was pleased to see that some people were really generous. I wouldn’t have had a wall full of boxes without you!”

The boxes are now on their way to needy children in Moldova whose families can barely afford essentials for them. Our Year 2 children will see how their generosity has had an effect as each child receiving a box will send a photo.