
Feb 242016
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Camp Fires Galore

On Thursday 11 February, 81 Year 8 students jetted off to sunny Oman for the annual Year 8 camping trip. The students were treated to two action packed days of adventure. This included rock climbing and bouldering along majestic sheer rock faces; sea kayaking in teams of two and three; mountain biking along the rugged terrain as well as learning the basic survival skills you need to live in the wilderness for 72 hours! In the evenings, students and staff alike were treated to some camp side games as well as traditional home cooked meals which included a barbeque on the last evening. On the final evening, Mr McIntyre treated the group to some star gazing in the perfectly clear Omani sky, where the students learnt about Orion’s belt, saw Venus and found out why Mars is not visible in the northern hemisphere this time of year. The students were also given the opportunity to munch on roasted marshmallows around the camp fire. Overall, the students and staff had a wonderful time and the trip provided a delightful learning experience for all.
