
Apr 272016
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Digging Deeper into Psychology

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On 14 March 2016, the Year 13 Psychology students were lucky enough to be invited for a working lunch at the US Navy’s 5th Fleet Headquarters here in Bahrain by CDR John Tinetti. LCDR Eric Skalski, USN; SSG Edward Clement USA; CPO Nathan Hatfield, USN; Maj David Denial, USMC; LCDR Napoleon DeVeaux, USN and LCDR James Allen, USN, talked to us about the topic of Institutional Aggression – it turned into a discussion on so much more. Who knew that women were physiologically better designed to be fighter pilots than men? Who knew that only roughly 3% of their career was spent in battle? Who knew the level of training that each had to endure to be the best they could be at what they do? And who knew that we would all be able to keep a straight face whenever Major Denial said anything serious? Major Denial? I mean, come on!! The result of this invitation is that, as a result, they are now able to put what they have learned into practical use in subsequent essays in preparation for their final examinations.