
Apr 272016
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Never Had it so Good


From VE Day in 1945 to the first home computer, children from Year 6 celebrated their Twentieth Century history topic with a magnificent event on Monday 21 March.

They came in all manner of costumes to show how fashion had changed from the 40s to the 90s and we even had some famous personalities from the past join us – Winston Churchill, David Bowie and the Spice Girls to name just a few.

Y6History2It was a great blend of the new and the old as the children used their iPads to conduct a historical fact scavenger hunt and played an online quiz in the hall with all 150 of them competing at the same time.

The musical entertainment was awesome with each class performing a song from each decade they had been learning about.


This sensational day was rounded off with a traditional British Tea in the hall – scones, cucumber sandwiches and Victoria sponge cake! As Lizzie from 6B said, “What a memorable day” and that is what history is all about!