
Apr 272016
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BPSSL Final Winners

A fabulous undefeated season came to a successful but very tense conclusion in the Final of the BPSSL Intermediate Girls Football tournament, held at Riffa Views on 16 March. Having comfortably qualified as the top team in the Southern region with victories in both festivals, the girls went into the final tournament as top seeds. The semi-final match was a comfortable 8-0 victory over a tough and hardworking Bahrain School team. This led us to our final match of the season against by far our closest rivals, IKNS. A scrappy first goal to St. Christopher’s eased the nerves somewhat. However, then IKNS struck back with two well taken goals to leave us behind for the first time all year. Despite having a large amount of possession, we just could not equalize and the spirit of the team started to flag. However, with less than 10 minutes left, Erica and Danni switched positions and created a goal out of sheer determination. At two all, the match was still very much in the balance and thoughts started shifting towards penalties, when out of nothing Kia curled a shot in to the back of the net to leave St. Christopher’s 3-2 up with three minutes left. Despite playing their hearts out, IKNS just could not find a way past our defenders, Afaf, Alison, Steffi and Elligh. At last, the final whistle blew, signaling a mixture of relief and happiness for the successful Girls’ team.

The Squad:

intergirls tournament winners

Tom Vaughan – Coach

  • Alison Ross (Capt)
  • Kia Hanahoe
  • Elligh Sissons
  • Erica Moolman
  • Fatema Alyaqoob
  • Danielle Wilkinson
  • Julia Hashem
  • Luna Dreyer
  • Shauna Holland (Vice Capt)
  • Anood Al Jassmi
  • Steffi Hall
  • Afaf Sidani
  • Manni Zhang