
Mar 222016
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So Much Talent …

This year, the St Christopher’s Music Festival witnessed an amazing 220 solo performances, 18 Duets and Trios, 10 Large Ensembles and 8 Choirs given by students representing an impressive 18 schools.


Over two days, these performances were whittled down to 9 soloists, 4 Duet and Trio, 4 Large Ensembles and 4 Choirs who participated in the Final on March 16. Two external judges, in the form of Ron Malanga, from the New Horizon School, Dubai, and Jill Laping from Ibn Khuldoon International School in Bahrain, came to St Christopher’s Junior School in Saar and adjudicated the Final.

The winners of the Final are listed below:

Primary Choirs Children 4 Peace
Primary Large Ensembles St Christopher’s School Junior Orchestra
Primary Duet & Trio Deena & Lilo Dahwi (St Christopher’s School)
Overall Level 1 Winner Deena Al Dahwi (Voice)(St Christopher’s School)
Overall Level 2 Winner Diya Thomas Plathinkal (Voice) (British School of Bahrain)
Overall Level 3 Winner Farah van Der Kooi (Flute) (St Christopher’s School)
Secondary Duet & Trio Retna & Sriram Venkatesh (St Christopher’s School)
Secondary Large Ensemble St Christopher’s School Senior String Group
Secondary Choirs The Philippine School Choir


This year’s Festival showed a large number of excellent performances from singers, instrumentalists, ensembles and choirs. The diversity of music heard throughout the Festival shows that music is very much alive in Bahrain. Everyone who was brave enough to stand up on stage and perform should be congratulated for helping to make this year’s Festival such a great musical event in the school calendar.

St Christopher’s Winners
