
Mar 222016
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On Safari and so much more …

St Christopher’s Global Citizens’ Day 2016 took place on 3 March and was a special day aimed at promoting global citizenship by increasing the children’s knowledge, awareness and understanding of a variety of nationalities and their cultures.


In the Infant and Junior schools, our bright and happy National Costume Parade began the programme of events. Excited children followed a carefully planned route around the Saar site. Parents clapped, cheered and took many photographs of the patriotic clothes worn by those parading.


At the Senior School students celebrated the rich multi-cultural diversity of St Christopher’s School by also donning the traditional dress of their home country. The vibrant ambiance of the day was enjoyed by all. Monies raised were donated to the local Tree of Life Charity.

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This year, Infant and Junior School parents provided over twenty amazing and informative stalls related to their countries of origin. The children had a valuable learning experience and a lot of fun at the same time. We would like to thank all involved for their contributions to the day.

In the Infant School the children talked about themselves and their nationality, the costumes they were wearing and their home country (its language and flag design).

Children in Nursery and Reception examined each other’s costumes, drew themselves and discussed their home countries. In the afternoon, they had an ‘open door’ carousel where the children examined different aspects of Kenyan life. This included clothes, animals, climate and housing.

Year 1 read and discussed the stories entitled ‘Handa’s Surprise’ or ‘Handa’s Hen.’ They focussed on the similarities and differences between Handa’s life and their own. This was followed by related role play and art activities.


Later in the day, Year 2 learned about Kenya through a variety of activities that included delving into the meaning behind the Kenyan flag design, traditional costumes and where Kenya is located within Africa. By applying their research, the children created a non-fiction text using iPad’s Book Creator app.

The Junior School children investigated a variety of aspects related to the Kenyan theme.

Year 3 pupils used their iPads to discover facts about Kenya and its position in relation to Bahrain using the Oddizzi website. Next, they began research into the nature of modern safari and found out about the “Big Five’ animals. The children created superb presentations and sent these fact-filled items to their Year 4 work partners.

Year 4 children reciprocated by sending their wonderful presentations to Year 3. These gave details about the life and customs of the Maasi people of Kenya. This joint enterprise ended with both year groups attempting a challenging ‘Kahoot’ quiz based on the Maasi, safari and the ‘Big Five’ animals.


Year 5 investigated: the people of Kenya; Interesting Facts about Kenya; and Climate in Kenya using Internet sources. Their Year 6 partner classes simultaneously looked into: the geography of Kenya; the Economy; and useful phrases in Swahili. The children collaborated to produce joint presentations using Google Slides. Their day also ended with a Kahoot quiz based on their areas of expertise.

Many enlightening presentations were created by all year groups, some of which will be selected and displayed in school to spotlight the learning achievements of the children who took part in these studies of Kenya.

Once again, we congratulate and thank the enthusiastic students, staff and parents for helping to bring about such a wonderful learning experience.

Everyone had an exciting and informative day and one which they’ll remember.

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