
Mar 222016
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Parents this is what it’s like to be in Year 7!


Enrichment lessons during the first half of Term Two involved students organising, preparing and presenting an afternoon that showed their parents the teaching and learning that happens in the Senior School. Each Form Group was responsible for presenting one aspect of the afternoon and they also had to create a display board that reflected their assigned aspect. Every Year 7 student was heavily involved in the planning of the event through creating videos, resources and colourful posters to display their everyday life. Over 40 students represented their form classes by presenting their ideas to the parents. Students presented topics such as ‘A Day in the Life’, ‘Differences from Junior School’, ‘Favourite Subjects’, ‘Favourite Places’, ‘Top Year 7 Tips’ , ‘How We Learn’, ‘Extra Curricular Activities’, ‘Student Council’ and ‘Community Service’. Every student worked collaboratively as part of a team and the presenters spoke with such confidence and assertiveness, which was absolutely wonderful. It was so lovely to see so many parents attending and supporting their children in what may well have been their first time public speaking in front of such a large audience. It is our hope that parents left the afternoon with a greater understanding of what it is like to be a Year 7 student at St Christopher’s School. Well done, Year 7!