News@St-Chris Vol 5.01/Sep2016

Sep 282016
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Medicine and its Branches

Forty five students from Year 10 to 13 took part in our third ‘Medics Mini Conference’ on Saturday 3 September. Dr David Misselbrook from RCSi Bahrain led our first session explaining the different branches of Medicine and the importance of being able to care for and relate to the patients’ needs.


We were also fortunate to be joined by Jan Spoorenberg who is set to read Medicine at Barts in London. Our current students gained a great deal from his tips on university admissions tests and how to develop an interesting university personal statement. The conference was rounded off by a fascinating presentation by Dr Cristina Skrypnyk entitled ‘Ethics in Genomics.’ Dr Skrypnyk provided us with many examples of how the study of Genetics is having a major impact on Medicine and how we need to be careful with these advances in technology.