News@St-Chris Vol 5.03/NOV2016

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Victor Ludorum and Alumnus Dominic Hudson reports…..

dominic-hudsonAfter leaving St Christopher’s in 2008, I continued with swimming for a year or two, however, training seven times a week was taking its toll and I was ready to try something else. By chance, the Basketball coach saw me playing in a House competition and told me to come along to trials for the school team the following week and I have not looked back. Whilst at school, I played for Somerset County and, in my final year, I was invited to trial for the Scotland U18 National Squad. Now in my final year at the University of Bath, I am Captain of the 1st team which plays in the Premier League for universities in the south of England. Alongside my Basketball, I am a keen endurance athlete having completed events such as the Bath Half Marathon, The Bath Gladiator (military assault course) and a Tough Mudder. I still have many fond memories of sport at St Christopher’s including countless swimming competitions, winning the BSME games, sports days at the national stadium and football competitions in Dubai.