News@St-Chris Vol 5.04/DEC2016

Dec 142016
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A Tragedy Staged in Greece

On Monday 5 December, students in 7D showcased their learning in Drama by performing their devised Greek Theatre piece at the Junior School. All Year 7 students learn about Ancient Greek Theatre in their Drama lessons in the first term. It is because of the ancient Greeks that theatre and drama exist today and so it is a crucial starting point to the Drama curriculum. In their Drama lessons, students in 7D created, scripted, devised, rehearsed and polished their version of the Greek tragedy Medea. They performed to their fellow Year 7 students during assembly before heading over to Saar to perform at the Junior School to Years 3 and 5. The Year 7s performed with focus and passion. The Junior School children were fascinated to see this classic tale brought to life and were impressed by the skills of the Year 7 students.


Ancient Greece is our scene for this tragedy

Where Jason met Medea, promised in matrimony

Alas the wedding wasn’t meant to be

For the King had plans for the future Queen.

Medea’s revenge revealed deadly plans,

To take the lives of their children in her own hands.

The dagger sliced through their delicate skin,

Medea had committed the ultimate sin

Allow us to show you, come step inside,

And learn of the fate of this poor, jealous bride