News@St-Chris Vol 5.04/DEC2016

Dec 142016
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Devised Performances


In November, the Year 13 Drama students performed their Unit 3 examination pieces. The first of these two devised performances was ‘Grimm Realities’ (devised and performed by Cameron Icelli, Scarlet Robinson, Will Perois, Anish Vishwakoti, Faisal Zainal). This was a lively retelling of a selection of the Grimm brother’s fairy tales, paralleled with a range of social issues. The second performance was ‘The Most Amazing Show on Earth’ (devised and performed by Ghazi Al Ruffai, Farah Khan, Stephanie Mannings, Maysa Taher, Jamie Wilkinson, with set design by Zayna Naseem). This was a highly thought provoking examination of current political situations juxtaposed with a circus setting. These highly creative and accomplished performances were received with enthusiasm by appreciative audiences; Mrs Leap and Mrs Beck were sincerely impressed with the outstanding standards they achieved.