News@St-Chris Vol 5.04/DEC2016

Dec 142016
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Over 300 Festive Footballers


On Friday 2 December, thirty-five teams, comprising over 300 players from Years 5 to 13, took part in the festive Sixth Form Charity Football Tournament at the Saar Campus. Each player made a charitable donation of BD2 to take part in the event. To entertain players and spectators throughout the day of football, the Student Leadership Team and Community Service Teams organised a range of catering stands.


The latest tunes accompanied the efforts on the four pitches and a real carnival atmosphere prevailed throughout the day. We are indebted to the staff and student referees who toiled away in the heat. Special thanks is extended to the HR staff in Saar. The day was greatly enjoyed by all, which is full testimony to the leadership and organisational skills of the Sixth Form Student Leaders. All monies raised will be donated to the School’s Nepal Project.