News@St-Chris Vol 5.04/DEC2016

Dec 142016
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International Round here we COME!

After the success in the Bahrain National Round in May in the GEN 2 Football category, a small robotics team consisting of Steven Taylor, Donovan Worrall and Abhinav Sharma qualified for the International round in India. It was a spectacular event with thousands of participants from all over the world competing in a wide range of categories. It was our first ever such event and the team were super excited to be there competing with some very experienced competitors. The team managed to win 1 of their 4 fixtures, beating South Korea convincingly, 6 goals to 1.


The boys were on their way to beating the tournament favourite Germany with a 2 goal lead until our robots came across an unfortunate glitch, which resulted in Germany scoring 5 goals in quick succession. Despite the losses, the team came back with some fantastic ideas which they are keen to implement ready for the next national round in May 2017. Steven, Donovan and Abhinav feel confident that they can hold on to the Bahrain title and return to the international stage next year with a more competitive robot and hopefully qualify past the group stage in to the last 16.