News@St-Chris Vol 5.04/DEC2016

Dec 142016
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International Success for Young Bahrain Scholars

The World Scholar’s Cup ‘Tournament of Champions’ took place at Yale University in the USA last week, with students from St Christopher’s School winning some of the major prizes.

The St Christopher’s team of Noor Halim, Joseph Anhorn and Laura Beck were the top performers from around the Gulf, winning two of the four competition elements in the Junior Division of the programme. This was despite strong competition from students from over 40 countries. They were classified as the top team in Debating and Writing. Noor was also the winner of the Writing and Joseph was second place in Debating individually. They were competing against 700 other students who had travelled to Yale University after securing their places at the previous global rounds of the competition in Bangkok and Prague. They were also classified as the second best team overall in the competition. Approximately 40,000 students take part in the World Scholar’s Cup programme each year internationally and the ‘Tournament of Champions’ is the finale of the annual competition.


Each annual World Scholar’s Cup competition has a theme – ‘An Imperfect World’ in 2016, involving six interrelated subjects – Art & Music, Literature, History, Science, Social Studies and a Special Topic, ‘Crime and Justice’. The World Scholar’s Cup ‘Tournament of Champions, was held at Yale University, recently ranked in the top 10 of the world’s universities. Some of the World Scholar’s Cup ‘Tournament of Champions’ events took place in the historic campus of the university itself, including the prize ceremony being held at the magnificent Woolsey Hall, where university students graduate. Thomas Griffith had the honour of carrying the Bahrain flag in the Closing Ceremony.

All 26 of the St Christopher’s School students competing at the ‘Tournament of Champions’ came home with at least one medal, just recognition of all of their efforts in learning the six subjects. Joseph Anhorn was chosen for the public debate showcase along with ex-St Christopher’s student Divya Raina. They debated vigorously the effect of patriotism in front of a large audience. The St Christopher’s School students also enjoyed visits to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and New York on their trip.

For more information, contact Adrian Walker at


Name Debating Writing Challenge Scholar’s Bowl Overall
Luke Bennett Medal History, Arts, Special Area and overall medals Medal
Eli Saghbini Medal Art and overall medals
Kamilah El Kanfoudi Medal Arts, top 10 in Special Area and overall medals Medal
Ahsab Chowdhury Medal Arts and overall medals Medal
Rayyan Ali Medal Medal Arts, Science and overall medals Medal 57th place overall
Taha Ansari Medal Overall medal Medal
Kate Pearey Medal Medal Arts and overall medals
Layal Kazerooni Medal Medal Overall medal
Celine Abuzahra Medal Medal Overall medal
Noor Halim 1st place team 1st place team Special Area and overall medals 11th place 17th place individually
1st place individually 2nd place team
Laura Beck 1st place team 1st place team Overall medal 11th place 52nd place individually
20th individually 2nd place team
Joseph Anhorn 1st place team 1st place team Overall medal 11th place 25th place individually
2nd place individually 44th individually 2nd place team
Chaitanya Prakash Medal Literature medal 12th place
Ryan Amirthan Medal 89th place 12th place Medal
Krishna Tilani Medal 12th place
Name Debating Writing Challenge Scholar’s Bowl Overall
Llewellyn Forward 11th team Overall medal Medal Medal
11th individually
Thomas Griffith 11th team Medals (History, Special Area, Social Studies and overall) Medal 47th place individually
80th individually
Alexia Skrypnyk 11th team Overall medal
Ingrid Bahnemann 20th team Medal Overall medal Medal
Jamie Clark 20th team Medal Overall medal Medal
Ramsey Tawfick 20th team Medal Overall medal Medal
43rd individually
Akshat Mittal Medal (History, overall)
Haytham McDowall-Rose Overall medal
Varun Anand Medal Overall medal
Aisha Degia Medal 19th place team Overall medal
Arwa Jibril Medal 19th place team Medals (Social Studies, Science, overall) 78th place individually
88th place individually