News@St-Chris Vol 5.04/DEC2016

Dec 142016
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The Heat is on …
Years 3 and 4 Sports Day

Glorious sunshine turned up to attend the rearranged Sports Day alongside the whole year groups of excited Years 3 and 4 pupils. Each house was represented by six teams who rotated around each station to try their hands, and feet, at specific athletics skills. Every competitor’s jump, throw, run, race, obstacle, hurdle and crawl scored points for their house. It was really pleasing to see the high levels of sportsmanship and support exhibited by each child for their teammates, as they in turn were cheered on by parents, teachers and staff.

Big thanks must go to all the people who were involved in organising, setting up, officiating and running events, including the teachers, teaching assistants, support staff and the PE Department. Special thanks to all the house captains who led their teams with responsibility and enthusiasm. As in every contest, there must be winners and losers and after all the points that were accumulated were totalled, the events finished with Osprey victorious in Year 3 and Falcon as Year 4 Champions. Well done to every child who participated and gave their all.

Year 3: Year 4:
1.    Osprey 1.    Falcon
2.    Falcon 2.    Merlin
3.    Merlin 3.    Kestrel
4.    Kestrel 4.    Osprey




Year 5 and 6 Sports Day

The weather was perfect for the Year 5 & 6 sports days and I was expecting a few records to fall, and the athletes did not disappoint! The following students set new records:

Leanne Cockerill – Y5 Girls 55m – 5.44

Jude Eissa – Y6 Girls 200m – 30.71

Isa Al Khalifa – Y5 Boys 200m – 31.31

Bashar AlAlawi – Y6 Boys 600m – 2.09

Merlin – Katelin, Jude, Ella, Hala -Y6 Girls Relay – 53.13

Osprey – Hamzah, Cameron, Rafi, Santiago – 5 Boys Relay – 57.92

Harry Doran & Jake Kimber  – Y6 Boys High Jump – 1.30m

Sarah Stewart – Y5 Girls Long Jump – 3.00m

Talia AlHamar – Y6 Girls Long Jump – 3.50m

Euan Boyle – Y5 Boys Long Jump – 2.90m

Ali Al Shehab & Niall Binion – Y6 Boys Long Jump – 3.15m

Ella Taylor – Y6 Girls Triple Jump – 5.53m

The events ran like clockwork with the athletes raring to go at each event. Clearly the months of preparation in their PE lessons had paid off for the students. As with all competitions there has to be a winner and for the first time in a long time Osprey were crowned champions 2016! The results were as follows:

1st – Osprey
2nd – Falcon
3rd – Merlin
4th – Kestrel
