News@St-Chris Vol 5.05/JAN2017

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Excellence in French is Excellence

The DELF Awards ceremony, attended by over 130 students, parents and teachers, was held on Monday 9 January at St Christopher’s Saar Campus, Following a welcome address from Mrs Wendy Bataineh, Head of Junior School, the Director of the Alliance Francaise, Mr Christopher Olry, made his address in which he congratulated the students on their success in the DELF examinations in June 2016. Miss Leila De Casimacker, a French Embassy representative who has responsibility for cultural cooperation, made her address and again congratulated the students on their success in their French studies. Mr Olry and Mr Thomas Boillot, Head of Studies at the Alliance Francaise, presented the DELF Certificates to the students assisted by Mrs Nassima Chebel, French Subject Leader in the Junior School, and Mr Jamel Bazzouz, Head of Modern Foreign Languages in the Senior School. Prizes were also presented to students who achieved particularly highly in each of the DELF Award categories.

Mrs Bataineh and Mr Nick Wilson, Head of Senior School, were presented with a gift in recognition of the high level of successful participation of St Christopher’s students in the DELF examinations. Eighty-three students sat DELF Prim and DELF Junior examinations in June 2016. Two of the DELF Award recipients, Abdallah Al Khalifa, Year 7, who score the highest mark in the DELF Prim A2 category, and Liela Alsugair, Year 10, who scored the highest mark in the DELF Junior B1 category, made very eloquent addresses in French reflecting on their personal experiences of studying the French language and French culture. The Ceremony closed with refreshments and group photographs, which were taken by Miss Sarah Tierney, Head of Year and French Teacher in the Senior School.