News@St-Chris Vol 5.08/April2017

Apr 112017
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A Wonderful Summer Evening

On Friday 7 April, nearly 400 students and staff descended upon the Crowne Plaza Hotel to enjoy the ever popular Summer Ball, which had been meticulously planned by the newly elected Student Leadership Executive Team, comprising Head Girl, Aarti Rangarajan, Head Boy, Shane McCarthy, Deputy Head Girls, Bayan Al Turabi and Zein Osseiran, and Deputy Head Boys, Matthew Holman and Nazar Yousef. Stylish and elegant in their finery, the students enjoyed a vibrant reception where the photo booths and photo opportunities with photographer on the night, Mrs Bronwen Kruger proved a strong draw. On entry to the grand Ballroom, students and staff were greeted by the excellent tunes of the Big Band and, following a welcome by Aarti and Shane and Head of Senior School, Mr Nick Wilson, the audience was treated to a beautiful rendition of Over the Rainbow by Lulu Al Sugair. The buffet was formally opened and, after a few more swing numbers from the excellent Big Band, the students settled down to enjoy the post-prandial entertainment, the poignant baby photos of Year 13, student awards and dancing. A great night.