News@St-Chris Vol 6.07/MAR2018

Mar 202018
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The World in our School 

Happy children paraded around the Saar site in wonderful costumes and visited exciting stalls.

Later, the Infant children learned facts about Nepal, focusing on its interesting flag, exciting foods, fascinating culture and how Nepalese children’s school life differs to their own.

Children also learned about the SIAB (School in a Bag) charity with lots of families kindly donating. In total we raised 1650BD which will fund 165 bags for disadvantaged children around the globe.

A day to increase the children’s knowledge of other lands, but with a special focus on Nepal, Year 3 examined life in the country and the endangered Bengal Tiger while Year 4 created presentations about Nepal and the One-horned Rhino. Year 5 researched Nepalese life and the plight of the Ganges River Dolphin. Year 6 investigated the mountains of Nepal and created presentations about the beautiful Snow Leopard.

Everyone had an informative day and one which they’ll remember.

A range of activities, a fantastic variety of foods and some amazing national dress characterised Global Citizens Day in the Senior School. Organised by the Student Community Service Team, students were treated to Indian and African dance and had an opportunity to play games with a global theme.  A range of foods were also available for students to try.  This year, form groups were encouraged to decorate their form room door to depict a country and its heritage. All in all, a colourful day!!