News@St-Chris Vol 6.07/MAR2018

Mar 202018
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Turning Back Time

In February Year 6 got together to celebrate their Britain Since 1940 topic with a wonderful History Day.

The children had an amazing time. In the morning they were engaged in 6 different activities representing different decades: making 1940s bread pudding; learning to jive; a 1980s disco (Agadoo anyone?); playing a beetle drive; Pop Art and taking part in the 1990s game show 15 to 1.

To round off the day, all the children gathered in the hall together with parents, grandparents and teachers for a traditional British Street Party where all the classes performed a song from their allocated decade.

A day to go down in history for sure. Huge thanks to all the staff who made it happen and all the guests for having so much fun!