News@St-Chris Vol 6.07/MAR2018

Mar 202018
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Football for the Win!

St Christopher’s School Under 14 Boys football squad had an excellent tournament at the Unity Cup this year. In the tournament, St Christopher’s grew stronger throughout the stages of the competition. We faced our old rivals IKNS, beating them 2-1. The atmosphere was tense throughout the tournament and the team had a real sense of drive and passion throughout every game. Our attacking formation was evident as the boys created space and believed in their own ability to win the games. The pressure grew in the later stages of the tournament on the second day, especially within the first game of the day resulted in a 0-0 draw against GEMS. Noah Moore captained the team with Oliver Hansen being Vice Captain. During the tournament, the team scored 18 goals and conceded 3 – an outstanding statistic for the team. Overall, we managed second place, it was a great show by all, and they should be proud of the achievement and sportsmanship shown on the field.