News@St-Chris Vol 6.07/MAR2018

Mar 202018
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St Chris Sharks Takeover the Waters

During the winter holidays, 12 members of the St Chris Sharks competed in the Bahrain 7th National Day Swimming Championships. Swimmers participated in all four strokes over a range of distances. After the event St Christopher’s Sharks team were placed 2nd place overall.

Congratulations to the following members of The St Chris Sharks:

Oliver Glin Conway
Sofiya Cogswell
Arabella Rushton
Imogen Rushton
Erin Brown
Harriet Brown
Amalie Nielsen
Dora Buklu
Asma Le Falher
Sana Le Falher
Lilo Al Dahwi
Deena Al Dahwi


A huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Le Falher who helped the swimming department during this competition and used their expertise to support the less experienced swimmers.