News@St-Chris Vol 6.09/May2018

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Swimming for Gold

Year 1 and 2 made a great splash this year in their Inter-House Swimming Gala. They jumped, dived, swam through the hoop and weaved their way through the slalom; not to mention scoring some great shots in the water polo ball and basketball activities. We had two fabulous afternoons in the water and everyone swam like fish! It was great to see! Well done to both Year Groups. The final results were:

Year 1 Year 2
1st Falcon Motorbike Noodle Winners 1st Falcon Water Polo Winners
2nd Kestrel Basketball Winners 2nd Merlin Frogboard Winners
3rd Merlin Frogboard Winners 3rd Osprey Basketball Winners
4th Osprey Water Polo Winners 4th Kestrel Motorbike Noodle Winners