News@St-Chris Vol 6.09/May2018

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Helping Our Community

Year 8 students have been busy spreading the wealth this month as they began the task of distributing funds raised from their recent Mini Enterprise Project. As part of this Enrichment activity, Year 8 students use a BD10 loan from the school to develop business ideas, and put their concepts into practice over a two-week period where they are allowed to sell their goods and conduct their business in the school playground to return a profit on the loan. We are always impressed with the students- initiative, and any funds raised are then donated to charities of the students’ collective choice. This year, our Year 8 entrepreneurs selected the Dogfather’s Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre as beneficiary, and St Chris teachers, students and parents delivered 460KG of dog and cat food to the shelter this week.

Earlier in the month, students presented a cheque for BD250 to Hasan Malik, a co-founder of The Saturday Biryani Party who provide free food, soft drinks, fun and company to the island’s many migrant workers each Saturday somewhere on the island. Over 155 consecutive weeks the charity has served over 55,000 meals. The BD250 contribution from Year 8 will fund an entire Saturday Biryani party and will provide over 450 meals.

Head of Year 8, Jamie O’Dowd said, “I am really proud of our Year 8 students – not only have they shown great business acumen in turning a simple BD10 loan into a profit, but the money raised by their endeavours will have a direct impact on two issues close to our hearts as a Year group: the welfare of our migrant workers and the welfare of animals”.