News@St-Chris Vol 7.12/May2019

May 082019
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Written by Mrs Lisett

“Who is the most famous person you have performed for?”

The Royal Marines have performed for many famous people, but on 15 and 16 April St Christopher’s students were the lucky ones. Four members of the Drum Corps of the Royal Marines gave up time in their busy schedule to perform displays and to lead a range of workshops.

“One thing that we especially enjoyed was the fact that they were able to take something we already knew and turn it into drumming exercises, for example the Mexican wave was turned into a ripple effect commonly used in their performances. As children we still find it quite hard to sit still for a long period of time and listen to someone talk, but this workshop was extremely practical, informative and fun.” (Kendra Manuel and Grace Dawson 7F)

Oh, and by the way, the most famous person they have performed for is Queen Elizabeth II (on numerous occasions!)