News@St-Chris Vol 7.12/May2019

May 082019
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Written by Mrs Lodwig

During the Easter holidays, 30 members of our sharks swim squad traveled to Dubai to compete in the BSME Swimming Championships. It was truly a memorable occasion for the 504 swimmers who represented 23 BSME member schools. There were some excellent and exciting performances, resulting in a high percentage of Personal Best times and many of the championship records were broken. Our sharks left with nearly 50 medals and 3 High Point trophies. Congratulations to Sana Le Falher who was awarded 3rd place in the 9-10 girls age category, Asma Le Falher who gained 2nd place in the 13-14 age group and Tom Watson who was also awarded the 2nd place trophy in the 15 and Over boys age group. Well done to all those who competed.