
Nov 142018
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St Christopher’s Senior School had the privilege of welcoming Robert Nelson, Assistant Director of Admissions, for Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) on Thursday 8 November 2018.

Over one-hundred Year 10-13 students attended the SCAD presentation during enrichment. The presentation was incredibly engaging, informative and inspirational, and the students left the presentation excited and enthused about the 100+ creative courses on offer at SCAD’s four campuses, Atlanta, Hong Kong, Lacoste and Savannah as well as E-Learning routes. Students were also impressed to see that 99% of SCAD alumni are employed within the first 10 months of graduation, and that they too could be involved in real-world projects.  As SCAD is a non-profit organisation, the facilities on offer are absolutely second to none, and it is this,  coupled with cutting edge courses, that afforded them nearly three-hundred first place awards in 2017.

After the presentation, over fifty students took part in SCAD Design Challenges throughout the day. Students worked collaboratively to design something marketable, and they presented their ideas to the audience as if they were clients. This gave students the opportunity to work in a way that students do at SCAD, when they are working for clients such as Google, Apple, Pixar and Ralph Lauren.

Students left the sessions with information about the scholarship, summer school, rising star and college programmes on offer, and were invited to an in-depth evening information session at the Westin Hotel on Monday 12 November, with their parents.

I hope to welcome SCAD back to St Christopher’s School in the future as I truly believe that it is a first class place to study. 

It really was a pleasure to host SCAD representative, Robert Nelson, and it was a delight to hear comments from students such as

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity” and “that was the best presentation I have ever been to”.

Author : Helen Smart