
Nov 142018
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The annual Year 12-13 Community Service Trip to Thailand took place again over the October half term break. Thirty-eight students, accompanied by six members of senior school staff, traveled to Chiang Rai in Northern Thailand to work with underprivileged schools and students. Building work consisted of a day with the master builder making: bricks, earthquake proofing supports, and creating wire grids for the concrete foundations; followed by two days at Huay Kok Moo School where students dug foundation pillars and mixed cement ready for the floor to be raised. Our students also taught at Huay Sala School, one which was dear to the staff as we have worked there previously to build a canteen and medical block. It was wonderful to see the staff and students again. All the students developed their teamwork and perseverance as they tested their rafting, kayaking and archery skills to name but a few. It was, once again, an incredibly rewarding visit made all the better by the excellence demonstrated by our students.

“Thank you all so much for the great experience! the memories will stay for life.” -Kayleigh Hugo 

Author : Felicity Percival KS5 English Teacher and Trip Leader